ヴェネツィアでスクーデリア・アルファタウリに関するドキュメンタリー映画「Whatever it Takes」のワールドプレミアが開催されました。この映画は、2006年に初めてF1シーンに登場して以来、ファエンツァに本拠を置くスクーデリア・アルファタウリチームの歴史を取り上げています。



この映画はチームのメディアパートナーであるデジタル・ライトハウスとの共同制作で制作され、ルカ・クルトが監督。有名なグラッシ宮殿で行われたワールドプレミアイベントに招待されたファン、チームパートナー、報道陣に向けて上映されました。イベントは、Sky ItaliaのF1中継で有名なプレゼンターであるフェデリカ・マソリンが主催しました。

Today, the magical city of Venice hosted the world premiere of “Whatever it Takes”, a documentary film about Scuderia AlphaTauri, covering the history of the Faenza-based team since it first appeared on the Formula 1 scene back in 2006.
In its first incarnation as Scuderia Toro Rosso, the team was originally conceived to provide two more cockpits and a way for Red Bull junior drivers to learn the craft of Grand Prix racing, and in that it has been hugely successful, producing two world champions, Sebastian Vettel and Max Verstappen, while a quarter of the 2023 grid is made up of its former drivers.

Apart from looking back at its 18 years in the sport, the feature-length film takes the viewer behind the scenes at the Italian factory and in its wind tunnel in the UK. It provides a rare insight into what it takes to compete in motor racing’s blue riband category, featuring interviews with drivers and all the key players.

The film, created in co-production with Digital Lighthouse – the team’s Media Partner, and directed by Luca Curto, was shown to an invited audience of fans, team partners and members of the press during an event at the famous Palazzina Grassi. The whole event was hosted by Federica Masolin, the very famous presenter of Sky Italia’s Formula 1 coverage.



I saw lots of things I didn’t know – how the team operates in the background and the amount of people, time and effort that’s put into only two cars. I feel really honoured to be one of the two drivers of Scuderia AlphaTauri and to be able to drive such a high-technology machine. It was nice to see some flashbacks, especially 2021 as my first year in Formula 1, and the drivers who have driven for our team. I can say Scuderia AlphaTauri has built a lot of good drivers, and the number of achievements they’ve accomplished is incredible. I’m even more excited and motivated to fight strong for the remainder of the season.

WHATEVER IT TAKES - World Premiere in Venice